Ugochukwu Chinonso Okolie is the acting Head of the Department of Vocational & Technical Education, at the Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. He is a distinguished academic and researcher specializing in Conditional Student Entrepreneurship which he identified and conceptualized, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Career and Employability.
Ugochukwu Chinonso Okolie holds PhD (2021), M.Ed (2016) and BSc.Ed (2009) in TVET and Management of TVET programmes from the Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He has published on entrepreneurship and higher education issues (edited books, book chapters, and academic journal papers) in developing world contexts.
Dr Okolie has an impressive publication record, with numerous articles in top international journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Career Assessment, Journal of Career Development, Industry and Higher Education, Education + Training, Higher Education Research & Development, Innovations in Education & Teaching International, International Journal of Management Education, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, and the Journal of Vocational Education & Training, among others. Additionally, he has authored two edited books on TVET, published by IGI Global in the United States.
Dr. Okolie has actively participated in major conferences organized by the United Nations University, the African Development Bank, and other prominent organizations across Africa and Asia, where he has presented his research findings.
Dr. Okolie shares his research expertise through his YouTube channel, which offers insightful tutorials and expert guidance on educational research topics. His channel covers a range of subjects, including research methodologies, statistical analysis, teaching and learning challenges, study techniques, and exam preparation strategies.
Dr. Okolie is also the founder of the Conditional Student Entrepreneurship Research Lab. This research group is dedicated to exploring the potential of conditional student entrepreneurs, aiming to expand knowledge in this emerging field. The lab focuses on understanding how entrepreneurship can provide financial stability for students facing economic challenges.
My research focuses more on understanding how individuals gain the right skills for work, create jobs or create micro-businesses to earn livelihoods. To address this research agenda, I focus on two interrelated research streams: (a) Career and Employability and (b) Conditional Student Entrepreneurship. In the first, I focus on learning how individuals, particularly higher education students and graduates learn new skills that are in demand by employers to enhance employability. In my other research stream, I try to understand how individuals from low-income families engage in entrepreneurship not due to opportunity identification, but as a means to overcome financial constraints threatening their academic pursuits.
Okolie, U. C. (2014). Management of Woodwork Workshops in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions: An Analytical Study. |Journal Name:Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 2(1), 20 – 36. Published by Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia. |Ranked byScimago Scopus
Okolie, U. C., Elom, E. N., Nwuzo, A. C., Inyiagu, E. E., & Ndem, J. E. (2014). Vocational education for youth empowerment: Entrepreneurial development and the missing links in higher education institutions. |Journal Name:Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 2(3), 33 – 52. Published by Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia. |Ranked byScimagoScopus
Okolie, U. C. (2016). Vocational education training in the informal sector for effective regional integration: Lesson from southeast Nigeria. In Asfa, Y. M and Shivagunde, R. B. (ed). Emerging trends in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Published in Delhi by Lenin Media and PSS Central Vocational Institution of Vocational Education, Bhopal, India.
Okolie, U. C. (2019). Understanding plagiarism in academic publishing. 5th International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. Held at the Takoradi Technical University, Takoradi Ghana. March 27-28, 2019
Okolie, U. C. (2015). Innovative strategies for enhancing the study of woodwork technology education in Nigerian higher education institutions. 4th International Conference on Education.Held at Rift Valley Technical Training Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. May 27-29 2015.
Okolie, U. C. & Nweze, T. (2015). Occupational safety and health at work training/retraining needs for quarry women labourers in Nigeria. 31st International Congress on Occupational Health. Seoul, South Korea. May 31st– June 5th 2015
Nweze, T. & Okolie, U. C. (2015). Counselling for career decision making in post-primary schools: the Nigerian experience. 4th International Conference on Education. Held at Rift Valley Technical Training Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. May 27-29 2015.
Nweze, T & Okolie, U. C. (2015). Workshop safety practices needed by students in TVET institutions: Guidance and counselling implications.2nd KATTI Regional Conference On “TVET and Industry: Advancing Society through Science, Technology and Innovation”. Mombasa, Kenya: 24TH -28TH August 2015
Okolie, U. C. (2015). Inclusive growth and human resources development: Issues and roles of technical and vocational education training institutions.International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: vision 2015. PSSICE Central Institute of Vocational Education NCERT. Shyamla hills, Bhopal India. 18th– 20th February, 2015.
Okolie, U. C. (2013). Private sector investments on youth empowerment through technical and vocational education training; Model for ensuring equal opportunities to contribute and benefit from economic growth in Africa. Experts Group Meeting on Inclusive Growth in Africa; organized by African Development Bank, Ethiopian Research Institute, and Korean Development Institute. Held at the United Nations House, Addis Ababa on May 6th -7th, 2013.
Okolie, U. C. (2013). Incorporation of peace education into primary and secondary education curriculum: A sustainable mechanism for conflicts, wars and violence prevention in Africa. Joint United Nations Human Security Conference organized by UNDP, UNICEF, WFP, FAO, UNIDO, United Nations University, Government of Ghana and Japan Official Development Programme. University of Ghana, Accra. May 22nd -23rd, 2013.